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Syntheses, structures and properties of a series of organic–inorganic complexes based on methylenediisophthalic acid (H4MDIP)†‡

Xianying Duan,Jianguo Lin,Yizhi Li,Chengjian Zhu,Qingjin Meng
CrystEngComm Pub Date : 10/15/2007 00:00:00 , DOI:10.1039/B709972J

Six new inorganic–organic polymers {Mg(H2MDIP)(H2O)4]·3H2O}n (1), {Ca2(MDIP)(H2O)4]·CH3OH·4H2O}n (2), {[Sr2(MDIP)(H2O)7]·2H2O}n (3), {[Ba(MDIP)0.5(H2O)4]·H2O}n (4), {[Mn(H2MDIP)(H2O)]2·H2O}n (5) and {[Co(H2MDIP)(H2O)]2·H2O}n (6) were obtained by self-assembly of the corresponding metal salts with methylenediisophthalic acid (H4MDIP), and their structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Monodentate coordination mode of H2MDIP2− in 1 results in a 1D chiral chain (right-handness) with a monoclear magnesium center. Complexes 24 have 2D layer networks, and each MDIP4− ligand coordinates to Ca(II), Sr(II) or Ba(II) atoms using four carboxylate groups: the chelating-mono coordination mode in 2 leads to a 1D helical chain, yet the chelating-mono and chelating coordination modes lead to binuclear [Sr–O–Sr] and [Ba–O–Ba] units in 34. Both 5 and 6 have 2D grid structures with a binuclear [M–O–C–O–M] unit (M = Mn2+, Co2+). The luminescence properties of 14 have been investigated in the solid state at ambient temperature and it was found that the strong emissions vary from blue to yellow–green fluorescence depending on the metal ions. Compound 1 exhibits good second-harmonic generation activity, approximately 1.1 times that of urea.

Graphical abstract: Syntheses, structures and properties of a series of organic–inorganic complexes based on methylenediisophthalic acid (H4MDIP)
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