4-甲基辛烷 MSDS
Section I.Chemical Product and Company Identification
Chemical Name 4-Methyloctane
Portland OR
Synonym Not available.
Chemical Formula CH3(CH2)3CH(CH3)(CH2)2CH3
CAS Number 2216-34-4
Section II. Composition and Information on Ingredients
Chemical Name CAS Number Percent (%) TLV/PEL Toxicology Data
4-Methyloctane 2216-34-4 Min. 99.0 Not available. Not available.
Section III. Hazards Identification
Acute Health Effects No specific information is available in our data base regarding the toxic effects of this material for humans. However,
exposure to any chemical should be kept to a minimum. Skin and eye contact may result in irritation. May be harmful if
inhaled or ingested. Always follow safe industrial hygiene practices and wear proper protective equipment when handling
this compound.
Follow safe industrial hygiene practices and always wear proper protective equipment when handling this compound.
Chronic Health Effects CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to this compound is not known to aggravate existing medical conditions.
Section IV. First Aid Measures
Eye Contact Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes. Get medical attention.
Skin Contact In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing
before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention.
Inhalation If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or
waistband. If breathing is difficult, oxygen can be administered. Seek medical attention if respiration problems do not
Ingestion INDUCE VOMITING by sticking finger in throat. Lower the head so that the vomit will not reenter the mouth and throat.
Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation. Examine the lips and mouth to ascertain whether the tissues are damaged, a possible indication that the
toxic material was ingested; the absence of such signs, however, is not conclusive.
Section V. Fire and Explosion Data
Not available.
Flammability Flammable. Auto-Ignition
Flash Points Flammable Limits Not available.
20°C (68°F).
Combustion Products
These products are toxic carbon oxides (CO, CO 2).
Fire Hazards
Not available.
Explosion Hazards Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available.
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media
Flammable liquid.
SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder.
and Instructions
LARGE FIRE: Use alcohol foam, water spray or fog.
Consult with local fire authorities before attempting large scale fire-fighting operations.
Continued on Next Page
Chemical Produ
Section VI. Accidental Release Measures
Spill Cleanup Flammable liquid.
Instructions Keep away from heat. Mechanical exhaust required. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with DRY earth, sand or other
non-combustible material. DO NOT touch spilled material. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike
if needed. Consult federal, state, and/or local authorities for assistance on disposal.
Section VII. Handling and Storage
Handling and Storage FLAMMABLE. Keep away from heat. Mechanical exhaust required. Avoid excessive heat and light. Do not breathe
gas/fumes/ vapor/spray.
Always store away from incompatible compounds such as oxidizing agents.
Section VIII. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their
respective threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash station and safety shower is proximal to the work-station location.
Personal Protection Splash goggles. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient;
consult a specialist BEFORE handling this product. Be sure to use a MSHA/NIOSH approved respirator or equivalent.
Exposure Limits Not available.
Section IX. Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state @ 20°C Liquid. (Colorless, clear.) Not available.
0.72 (water=1)
Specific Gravity
Molecular Weight 128.26 Partition Coefficient Not available.
Boiling Point 142°C (287.6°F) Vapor Pressure Not available.
Melting Point Not available. Vapor Density 0.719 (Air = 1)
1.405 Volatility Not available.
Refractive Index
Critical Temperature Not available. Odor Not available.
Viscosity Not available. Taste Not available.
Section X. Stability and Reactivity Data
This material is stable if stored under proper conditions. (See Section VII for instructions)
Conditions of Instability Avoid excessive heat and light.
Reactive with oxidizing agents.
Section XI. Toxicological Information
RTECS Number Not available.
Eye Contact. Ingestion. Inhalation.
Routes of Exposure
Toxicity Data Not available.
Chronic Toxic Effects CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to this compound is not known to aggravate existing medical conditions.
Acute Toxic Effects No specific information is available in our data base regarding the toxic effects of this material for humans. However,
exposure to any chemical should be kept to a minimum. Skin and eye contact may result in irritation. May be harmful if
inhaled or ingested. Always follow safe industrial hygiene practices and wear proper protective equipment when handling
this compound.
Follow safe industrial hygiene practices and always wear proper protective equipment when handling this compound.
Continued on Next Page
Section XII. Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity Not available.
Environmental Fate Not available.
Section XIII. Disposal Considerations
Recycle to process, if possible. Consult your local regional authorities. You may be able to dissolve or mix material with a
Waste Disposal
combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber system. Observe all
federal, state and local regulations when disposing of the substance.
Section XIV. Transport Information
DOT Classification CLASS 3: Flammable liquid.
PIN Number
Proper Shipping Name
Hydrocarbons, liquid, n.o.s.
Packing Group (PG) II
DOT Pictograms
Section XV. Other Regulatory Information and Pictograms
TSCA Chemical Inventory This product is NOT on the EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory. The following notices are required by 40
CFR 720.36 (C) for those products not on the inventory list:
(i) These products are supplied solely for use in research and development by or under the supervision of a technically
qualified individual as defined in 40 CFR 720.0 et sec.
(ii) The health risks of these products have not been fully determined. Any information that is or becomes available will be
supplied on an MSDS sheet.
WHMIS Classification CLASS B-2: Flammable liquid with a flash point lower than 37.8°C (100°F).
EINECS Number (EEC) 218-687-2
EEC Risk Statements R11- Highly flammable.
R18- In use, may form flammable/explosive vapor-air mixture.